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Johannes Müller Gómez

Johannes Müller Gomez (McGill University)

Sub-federal Resistance to the Implementation of International Environmental Agreements. The Case of the Paris Agreement


This article investigates under which conditions sub-federal governments resist or support the implementation of the Paris Agreement, examining 55 sub-state governments within Australia, Canada and the EU. The research is based on a thorough conceptualization of resistance to and support for implementation, and a very sophisticated methodology, using original data.

Using fuzzy-set QCA, Müller Gómez documents how the lack of implementation capacity and nonconvergence between federal and sub-federal policy preferences explain the lack of implementation. But it does not stop there: What matters just as much is the involvement of sub-federal governments in the negotiations of the international agreement. This conclusion is of crucial importance for our understanding of both multi-level governance and international agreements.






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Kai Steemers


Kai Steemers (King’s College London)

​The UK’s Rejoin Movement: A Post-Brexit Analysis of Framing Strategies


Examining the post-Brexit landscape, Steemers investigates the extent to which the issue of EU membership persists among contemporary pro-European movements in the UK. He analyses 1018 posts generated by 16 X (formerly Twitter) accounts of speakers and organizers associated with the National Rejoin March (NRM), using a discourse network analysis.

Based on very well-documented network and framing analysis, relying on original data, the analysis reaches several insightful conclusions: First, economic grievances continue to dominate pro-European discourse post-Brexit, and in turn, the call for rejoining the EU is articulated around potential economic benefits. Second, political competition is at the heart of the mechanism, with both the Conservatists being strongly blamed for Brexit, and elections being advocated as the central path to a possible return to Europe.


The European Community Studies Association - Canada (Association d'Etudes sur la Communauté Européenne - Canada) is the leading professional association for European integration studies in Canada.

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