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2022 - Special Events:  ECSA-C's 25th Anniversary 

MAY 2-11, 2022


ECSA-C is excited to celebrate its 25th anniversary since the first Biennial and would like to connect with its European Studies community through a series of events. Most prominently, our association organizes a series of events across the country addressing issues of critical scholarly and public concern to our members: From issues of EU-Canada relations, asylum, citizenship, memory politics, the current conflict in Ukraine to the Future of Europe. The May 2022 event series will bring together key stakeholders from Canada’s European Studies community all across Canada. This initiative is designed in a way to reconnect with our members and friends who will only be able to attend our next ECSA-C Biennial conference in 2023.  

Leading ECSA-C event hosts:  Dr. Andrea Wagner (MacEwan University), Dr. Amy Verdun (University of Victoria), Ann-Kathrin McLean (Royal Roads University),  Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (University of Victoria), Dr. Joan DeBardeleben  (Carleton University), Laurence Claussen (University of Victoria), Noah Oder (University of Montreal), Dr. Oliver Schmidtke (University of Victoria), Dr. Ruben Zaiotti (Dalhousie University), Dr. Willem Maas (York University)



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2 MAY ( 10-11:15am PST)

Justifying War Through History: Memory Politics and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Organizer: Dr. Oliver Schmidtke, Director Centre for Global Studies (CFGS) at the University of Victoria, lead of the Jean Monnet Network “European Memory Politics: Populism, Nationalism, and the Challenges to a European Memory Culture” 

Host: Centre for Global Studies, UVic

Moderator: Dr. Oliver Schmidtke

Speakers:  Dr. Serhy Yekelchyk, University of Victoria and Dr. Lyubov Zhyznomirska, Saint Mary's University


3 MAY  (11:00am-12:30pm PST)

The EU Response to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine 

Organizer: Dr. Amy Verdun, Dept of Political Science and Faculty Fellow in the Centre for the Study of Religion and Society (CSRS) at UVic

Host: Centre for the Study of Religion and Society (CSRS), UVic

Moderator: Dr. Paul Bramadat, Director CSRS, UVic

Speakers: Dr. Anastasiya Chebakova, Government of Canada, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) (invited), Dr. Gabriela Chira, European Commission, Brussels, Dr. Assem Dandashly, Assistant Professor, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, Dr. Clara Portela, Professor, University of Valencia, Spain, Dr. Tatiana Shaban, Visiting Postdoc fellow, CSGS, University of Victoria


4 MAY (9:00am-10:30am PST)

Crisis and Post-Truth Politics: Comparing North America and Europe 

Organizer: Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence,  Lead  of the Border in Globalization Partnership and Lead of the Jean Monnet Network Borders, Human to Military Security

Host: Jean Monnet Network Borders, Human to Military Security, Centre for Global Studies, 

Moderator: Shoukia van Beek, University of Victoria

Speakers: ​ Dr. Michael Carpenter (Borders in Globalization), María Finsdottír  (Centre for Global Studies),  Benjamin Perrier ( Borders in Globalization & Jean Monnet Network Human-to-Military Security Database). 




5 MAY - In Person Event (see  below)

Asylum Regimes, Bordering Practices and Asylum Seekers’  Experiences: Gendering Violence and Precarity in Forced Migration

With free public film screening and discussion of the award-winning documentary TRACE 6.15-7.45 p.m. Thurs. 5th May (Room 101, Atrium Building, Saint Mary's University).  E-mail for details.   Organizers:  Dr. Evie Tastsoglou (Saint Mary's University)

Sponsors: SSHRC-IDG funded project “Gendering Violence and Precarity in Forced Migration: Asylum Seeking Women in the Eastern Mediterranean”  (WASEM, Saint Mary's University and Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence (Dalhousie University) Dates: May 5-6, 2022 

Place / Venue:  Saint Mary’s University, AT 340 

Description: Building on research into regulatory frameworks on gender and asylum seekers’ protection from gender-based violence, as well as empirical research on gender-based violence experienced by female asylum seekers arriving in Greece, the workshop will examine wider policy issues of relevance in the EU and in a comparative way with, especially, Canada.




MAY 6 (10:30am - 12:30pm PST)

Quo Vadis Europe? And What About Us?

Organiser: Royal Roads University, University of Victoria, & McGill University, Young Researchers Network, Lead: Ann-Kathrin McLean, Laurence Claussen, Noah Oder

Keynote Speakers: Dr. Athena Madan of Royal Roads University will discuss the impact of decolonization in the academy.  And Benjamin Prud'homme, Executive Director for AI for Humanity at the Mila Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, will talk about important changes in the landscape of AI in Europe.  Also two young scholars will present their research and discuss some of the unique challenges and opportunities they face when studying European issues.


More info found here. Register for this FREE webinar here:




MAY 9 (9:30-15:00 EST - 15:30 to 21:00 CET)

Comparative Multilevel Citizenship

Organizer: Dr. Willem Maas, Jean Monnet Chair at York University, York University

Speakers: Draft Program

Building on years of efforts to create a European citizenship, member states introduced a common citizenship thirty years ago, in the Maastricht treaty. This workshop explores the impact of EU citizenship and its consequences for European integration while casting a wider eye to other forms of supranational and/or multilevel citizenship in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and elsewhere. One focus of the workshop is migration and free movement, because regulating the movement of people has always interacted with federalism, sovereignty, and regional relations between states. The rise of regional free movement, perhaps coupled with a common citizenship, strengthens regional integration beyond mere trade agreements. Furthermore, incentives or disincentives to internal migration exist in tension with ideals of equal citizenship. Barriers to internal migration in states such as India, China, Brazil, or even the United States or Canada are comparable to debates about the possibilities and limits of EU citizenship in facilitating free movement among EU member states (Maas 2017; Maas 2021).

This workshop is also promoted by Research Committee 46 Migration and Citizenship of the International Political Science Association.





MAY 11 (11:00  MST) 

Russia - Ukraine war : Consequences for Europe and Beyond

Organizer: MacEwan University, Lead: Dr. Andrea Wagner 

Speakers : Dr.  Maria Popova, McGill University; Dr. Bohdan Harasymiw - Institute of Ukrainian studies at the U of A ; Dr. John Paul Himka, Institute of Ukrainian studies at U of A ; Dr. Dominique Arel, University of Ottawa ; Dr. Habibe Ozdal , International Relations, Istanbul Okan University.





May 11  (11:00  EST) 

Baltic reactions to Russia's war against Ukraine 

Organizer: Carleton University for the Jean Monnet Network on EU-Canada Relations (, co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union  

Speakers: Dr. Kristina Kallas, Director, University of Tartu Narva College (Estonia) , Dr. Toms Rostoks, Department of Political Science, University of Latvia; Director, Centre for Security and Strategic Research, Latvian National Defence Academy.  

Dr. RamÅ«nas Vilpišauskas, Jean Monnet Chair professor, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University (Lithuania)  and Dr. Kinga DudziÅ„ska, Analyst, Central Europe Program, Polish Institute of International Affairs (Warsaw). 

Moderator: Dr. Joan DeBardeleben, Institute of European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, Carleton University 

Baltic reactions to Russia's war against Ukraine 







The European Community Studies Association - Canada (Association d'Etudes sur la Communauté Européenne - Canada) is the leading professional association for European integration studies in Canada.

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